Colorsound SupaSustain Build Instructions From: Guitar Effects Projects Revision: 2001/02/08 Please note that this pedal takes 18 volts DC power. You can use two 9 volt batteries in series to get 18 volts power. Steps to Build: 1 - Find an Enclosure. The enclosure should be cast aluminum or steel. 2 - Drill the holes in the enclosure for the jacks, switch and pots. 3 - Paint and label the enclosure. You can do this step any time after the enclosure has been drilled. Give it a few days to cure, before you get a wrench close to it. 4 - Fabricate the board using the "Ready for Transfer" file and some copper-clad PCB. 5 - Drill the board 6 - Solder the parts on to the board. 7 - Solder stranded, insulated wires to the boards "off-board" connections. (estimate the length they need to be) 8 - Mount the board, jacks and pots in the enclosure and solder the wires to the appropriate parts. Depending on the enclosure, it may be easier to wire (and solder) some or all of the off-board parts before you mount them in the enclosure. If you can solder it together with the parts mounted in the enclosure, your wiring is more likely to be neat and direct. 9. Contact the Guitar Effects Projects site host and let us know everything about your experience of building this project. Copyright 2001 JD Sleep Guitar Effects Projects @